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Thank U, Next

Taylor Writer • January 13, 2023

So ready for this chapter...

For years and years I worried about what I wanted to do with my life. I loathed that question in school, what are you going to do? It made me incredibly uneasy because I felt I was never one of the lucky ones that just inherently knew, or naturally born with some incomparable talent. And then there’s that illogical fear of running out of time; the dread of seeing oneself as a complete and utter failure that accomplishes nothing spectacular or worthwhile or fulfilling. 

There was one thing I did know however: I wanted to do something. Something for me; on my own; my way; that bettered my life and those of everyone around me. I guess put simply, I wanted happiness, and a life chock-full of love, joy and fulfillment. 

And though I’ve been fortunate to experience tremendous success (financially) in my career, it never provided what I was really after. And despite the (extreme) naivety of my youth, I realize EVERYONE has felt this same exact desire at least once in their life. I know I’m not alone or special in this. But here’s my story. 

Adair Homes changed my life. I knew I enjoyed real estate, and having conversations about equity and market conditions. Fresh out of college (the first time) I dabbled in market research, lead generation/aggregation, and education, but it wasn’t until I became a realtor and worked in escrow and title, and began my knowledge-journey of residential home construction with Adair when my world exploded. The information needed and the amount of people and collaboration required was unreal. Working with clients and future homeowners was a blast, and my favorite part. I got introduced to countless entities and organizations, and amazing individuals doing great things. 

The smack in the face was instant: This was literally the most challenging job I’d ever had. Anyone who knows me, would tell you that I’m fairly progressive with standard business software and cloud technologies (Microsoft, Salesforce, etc.), and I’m a dissertation away from having a doctorate in business administration from George Fox University (on female leadership in the construction industry BTW). I’m a quick study, and tend to perform best under pressure. 

Bureaucratic corporate America is an ironic odd cutthroat duck (or crock?) though…especially in industries almost as old as dinosaurs like construction! Nothing is as it seems, and the smoke and mirrors are endless. Now, my resume isn't perfect. The holes are obvious. And if it were presented in a motion picture, the narrative would read repeatedly: Young blonde girl hired because of her tenacity and propensity for asking questions is cute and proactive, quickly takes a turn, as the new top performer is abruptly fired due to knowledge and communication of fraudulent misrepresentation. This would become the story of my life, at more than one company - talk about whistle-blower syndrome. HR departments and hiring managers take note. 

According to Google, the typical profile of a whistle-blower is highly educated (check), high performing in the workplace (check), and has a dominant and not always agreeable personality (check again!). A whistle-blower is also likely to think that something can be done about unethical breaches. 

Bear with me, as this first blog post will not be a whiny woe is me rambling. Rather, I hope it will be a coming-out party! A first of many, where I finally have the courage and confidence to speak truth via a platform I bravely control; a voice that’s at last empowered to share and be heard, and a voice that’s mine alone. 

The second smack in the face was learning and understanding that the majority of on-your-lot builders basically function in the same fashion, meaning there’s an abundance of custom home builders operating across the country currently that all lack the same service and capacity to deliver on the customer experience they promise. There’s no need to create a ‘need’ in the market, because it already exists. I’m simply here to fill it, and when you have clients asking for your help before your business is formed or your website is even up and running, you know you’re onto something… 

I’ve found my something, and it’s here and open for business: F. Van Kley LLC (or DBA Taylor Writer). I am over-the-moon stoked about the future, and because I can honestly say: It is the first time in my career that I’ve felt so sure of what to do. That fear and loathing and uneasy feeling haunts me no more. Starting a business is scary, but so far, it’s felt like the most natural fu***** thing since I gave birth to my daughter Zuzu. I’m not only excited, but simultaneously relieved, like I’m not doing anything extraordinary. I’m acting organically and following my instincts; the instincts I’ve wished and hoped for for years. The last couple of months, while I’ve been getting this business and introduction prepped, I’ve been present and lived more in the moment than I ever have. I get to make the decisions I’ve always wanted to make, and I get more time with loved ones because I get to set my schedule, and treat my clients the way they should be treated (according to my standards and no one else’s). 

So I took a card from Ari and wanted to give thanks. Sometimes all we need is time and Logos. I’m eternally grateful for this opportunity and cannot wait to see where this adventure leads.

By Taylor Krueger January 31, 2023
Female leadership in the construction industry
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